Voted Yes: On Passage to H.R. 35: Agent Raul Gonzalez Officer Safety Act (Feb. 13, 2025)
Voted Yes: On Passage to S. 5: Laken Riley Act (Jan. 22, 2025)
Voted Yes: On Passage to H.R. 30: Preventing Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act (Jan. 16, 2025)
Voted Yes: On Passage to H.R. 29: Laken Riley Act (Jan. 7, 2025)
Voted Yes: On Passage to H.R. 7909: Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act (Sept. 18, 2024)
H.R. 4872: Securing Our Borders and Wilderness Act (July 25, 2023)
H.R. 1183: Asylum Reform and Border Protection Act of 2023 (Feb. 24, 2023)
H.R. 4563: ACE Act (July 11, 2023)
H.R. 2: Secure the Border Act of 2023 (May 5, 2023)
H.R. 335: STOP Fentanyl Act (April 27, 2023)
H.J.Res. 41: Disapproving of the rule submitted by the Department of Homeland Security relating to "Public Charge Ground of Inadmissibility". (March 8, 2023)
H.R. 661: Sarahâs Law (Jan. 31, 2023)
H.R. 29: Border Safety and Security Act of 2023 (Jan. 26, 2023)
H.R. 35 : Agent Raul Gonzalez Officer Safety Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Feb. 13, 2025)
S. 5 : Laken Riley Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Jan. 22, 2025)
H.R. 30 : Preventing Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Jan. 16, 2025)
H.R. 29 : Laken Riley Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Jan. 7, 2025)
H.R. 7909 : Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Sept. 18, 2024)
H.Res. 1371 : Strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris's, failure to secure the United States border.
On Agreeing to the Resolution, as Amended -- Voted Yes (July 25, 2024)
H.R. 8281 : SAVE Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (July 10, 2024)
H.R. 8771 : Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2025
On Passage -- Voted Yes (June 28, 2024)
H.R. 8752 : Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2025
On Passage -- Voted Yes (June 28, 2024)
H.R. 8282 : Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (June 4, 2024)
H.R. 192 : To prohibit individuals who are not citizens of the United States from voting in elections in the District of Columbia and to repeal the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022
On Passage -- Voted Yes (May 23, 2024)
H.R. 8146 : Police Our Border Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (May 16, 2024)
H.R. 7343 : Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (May 15, 2024)
H.Res. 1210 : Condemning the Biden border crisis and the tremendous burdens law enforcement officers face as a result.
On Agreeing to the Resolution -- Voted Yes (May 15, 2024)
H.R. 7109 : Equal Representation Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (May 8, 2024)
H.Res. 1112 : Denouncing the Biden administration's immigration policies.
On Agreeing to the Resolution -- Voted Yes (May 1, 2024)
H.R. 8038 : 21st Century Peace through Strength Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (April 20, 2024)
H.R. 3602 : Transnational Criminal Organization Illicit Spotter Prevention and Elimination Act
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended -- Voted Yes (April 20, 2024)
H.R. 6046 : Standing Against Houthi Aggression Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (April 17, 2024)
H.R. 5826 : No Paydays for Hostage-Takers Act
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended -- Voted Yes (April 16, 2024)
H.R. 4681 : Illicit Captagon Trafficking Suppression Act of 2023
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended -- Voted Yes (April 16, 2024)
H.R. 4681 : Illicit Captagon Trafficking Suppression Act of 2023
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended -- Voted Yes (April 16, 2024)
H.Res. 1102 : Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree -- Voted Yes (March 22, 2024)
H.Res. 1071 : Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6276) to direct the Administrator of General Services and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to identify the utilization rate of certain public buildings and federally-leased space, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 1065) denouncing the Biden administration's immigration policies.
On Agreeing to the Resolution -- Voted Yes (March 12, 2024)
H.Res. 1065 : Denouncing the Biden administration's immigration policies.
On Agreeing to the Resolution -- Voted Yes (March 12, 2024)
H.R. 7511 : Laken Riley Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (March 7, 2024)
H.Res. 1061 : Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree -- Voted Yes (March 6, 2024)
H.R. 7463 : Extension of Continuing Appropriations and Other Matters Act, 2024
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass -- Voted Yes (Feb. 29, 2024)
H.R. 3202 : Assad Regime Anti-Normalization Act of 2023
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended -- Voted Yes (Feb. 14, 2024)
H.Res. 863 : Impeaching Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, for high crimes and misdemeanors.
On Agreeing to the Resolution, as Amended -- Voted Yes (Feb. 13, 2024)
H.Res. 863 : Impeaching Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, for high crimes and misdemeanors.
On Agreeing to the Resolution, as Amended -- Voted Yes (Feb. 6, 2024)
H.R. 6678 : Consequences for Social Security Fraud Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Jan. 31, 2024)
H.R. 5585 : Agent Raul Gonzalez Officer Safety Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Jan. 30, 2024)
H.Res. 980 : Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5585) to impose criminal and immigration penalties for intentionally fleeing a pursuing Federal officer while operating a motor vehicle; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6678) to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide that aliens who have been convicted of or who have committed Social Security fraud are inadmissible and deportable; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6679) to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act with respect to aliens who carried out, participated in, planned, financed, supported, or otherwise facilitated the attacks against Israel; and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6976) to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide that aliens who have been convicted of or who have committed an offense for driving while intoxicated or impaired are inadmissible and deportable.
On Agreeing to the Resolution -- Voted Yes (Jan. 30, 2024)
H.R. 2872 : Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Concur in the Senate Amendment -- Voted Yes (Jan. 18, 2024)
H.R. 2670 : National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree to the Conference Report -- Voted Yes (Dec. 14, 2023)
H.R. 5283 : Protecting our Communities from Failure to Secure the Border Act of 2023
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Nov. 30, 2023)
H.R. 6363 : Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended -- Voted Yes (Nov. 14, 2023)
H.R. 3774 : SHIP Act
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended -- Voted Yes (Nov. 3, 2023)
H.R. 5860 : Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 and Other Extensions Act
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended -- Voted No (Sept. 30, 2023)
H.R. 5525 : Continuing Appropriations and Border Security Enhancement Act, 2024
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Sept. 29, 2023)
H.R. 4665 : Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Sept. 28, 2023)
H.R. 4665 : Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Sept. 28, 2023)
H.R. 4367 : Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2024
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Sept. 28, 2023)
H.R. 4365 : Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2024
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Sept. 28, 2023)
H.Res. 723 : Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4365) making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4367) making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4665) making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes; and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4368) making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.
On Agreeing to the Resolution -- Voted Yes (Sept. 26, 2023)
H.Res. 723 : Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4365) making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4367) making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4665) making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes; and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4368) making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.
On Consideration of the Resolution -- Voted Yes (Sept. 26, 2023)
H.R. 3152 : Fight CRIME Act
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended -- Voted Yes (Sept. 12, 2023)
H.R. 589 : MAHSA Act
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended -- Voted Yes (Sept. 12, 2023)
H.R. 3941 : Schools Not Shelters Act
On Passage -- Voted Yes (July 19, 2023)
H.Res. 529 : Relating to the resolution (H. Res. 503) impeaching Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.
On Agreeing to the Resolution -- Voted Yes (June 22, 2023)
H.Res. 461 : Condemning the use of elementary and secondary school facilities to provide shelter for aliens who are not admitted to the United States.
On Agreeing to the Resolution -- Voted Yes (June 22, 2023)
H.R. 2494 : POLICE Act of 2023
On Passage -- Voted Yes (May 17, 2023)
H.Res. 398 : Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2494) to make the assault of a law enforcement officer a deportable offense, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3091) to allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes; and providing for consideration of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 40) expressing support for local law enforcement officers and condemning efforts to defund or dismantle local law enforcement agencies.
On Agreeing to the Resolution -- Voted Yes (May 16, 2023)
H.R. 2 : Secure the Border Act of 2023
On Passage -- Voted Yes (May 11, 2023)
H.Res. 383 : Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2) to secure the borders of the United States, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1163) to provide incentives for States to recover fraudulently paid Federal and State unemployment compensation, and for other purposes.
On Agreeing to the Resolution -- Voted Yes (May 10, 2023)
H.R. 1151 : USA Act
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended -- Voted Yes (April 17, 2023)
H.R. 1154 : Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act of 2023
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass -- Voted Yes (March 27, 2023)
H.J.Res. 24 : Disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022.
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Feb. 9, 2023)
H.R. 185 : To terminate the requirement imposed by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for proof of COVID-19 vaccination for foreign travelers, and for other purposes.
On Passage -- Voted Yes (Feb. 8, 2023)
Speaker Johnson released the following statement after the House passed H.R. 35, The Agent Raul Gonzalez Officer Safety Act.
“In December 2022, Border Patrol Agent Raul Gonzalez Jr. tragically died in the line of duty while chasing down illegal aliens who were fleeing the scene of a crime. His ultimate sacrifice is a stark reminder of the dangers our brave law enforcement officers face every day to protect our borders. Today, the House passed the Agent Raul Gonzalez Officer Safety Act to hold illegal aliens accountable who commit a crime and intentionally evade federal officers while driving. It makes them inadmissible to, and removeable from, our country and bars them from immigration relief, including asylum,” said Speaker Johnson. “This bill delivers a strong message: those who cross our borders illegally and jeopardize the safety of our officers will face severe criminal and immigration penalties. Republicans will continue to take decisive action and echo President Trump’s leadership to deliver what is necessary to protect the American people and secure our borders.”
Rep. Mike Johnson"
On the Republican agenda and budget reconciliation:
Well, it'll have a lot of pieces. We've made a lot of campaign promises, President Trump did as well, and reconciliation is the way to get it done. Why? Because you avoid a 60-vote threshold in the Senate. So, reconciling the budget, which we will pass in early February, is how we'll get all of our committees, committees of jurisdiction involved on all these big issues. What are they? Well, obviously we have to secure the border. We've got to make sure that our border patrol agents and our immigration enforcement agencies have the right directives from the White House, but also the right resources to do their job and secure that border once and for all. We've got to take care of the dangerous illegal criminals who have come over and all that's part of it as well. And we've got to shift immediately to the economy. "
Rep. Mike Johnson"This morning, ahead of the House vote on a six month spending measure to avoid a government shutdown and protect American elections from noncitizen voting, Speaker Johnson joined Fox News’ Fox and Friends and CNBC’s Squawk Box to implore Congressional Democrats to protect American elections, highlight the 2025 GOP economic agenda, and detail plans to expand the investigative scope of the Task Force to Investigate the Assassination of President Trump."
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