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S. 381: No Coyote Cash Act

Marco Rubio

Quick Facts

Bill Sponsor: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)

Congress: 118th

Date Introduced: February 9, 2023

Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. (February 9, 2023)

Bill Summary

No Coyote Cash Act

This bill makes it a crime to transmit money or any item of value with the intent to finance the unlawful entry of a non-U.S. national (alien under federal law) into the United States. Violators are subject to a fine equal to the value of the transmitted property, up to one year in prison, or both.

Additionally, the bill makes a non-U.S. national who violates this prohibition inadmissible and deportable.

Current law criminalizes certain conduct related to bringing a non-U.S. national into the United States and transporting, harboring, concealing, or shielding such an individual within the United States from detection by immigration authorities while knowing or in reckless disregard that the individual entered unlawfully.