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H.R. 3067: CASES Act of 2023

María Elvira Salazar

Quick Facts

Bill Sponsor: Rep. María Elvira Salazar (R-FL-27)

Congress: 118th

Date Introduced: May 2, 2023

Last Action: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. (May 2, 2023)

Bill Summary

Corruption in Argentina Stymied by Enforcing Sanctions Act of 2023 or the CASES Act of 2023

This bill requires sanctions to be imposed on five specified Argentinian public officials if such individuals meet the criteria for such sanctions.

The specified Argentinian officials are Cristina Elisabet Fernandez de Kirchner, Maximo Kirchner, Juan Martin Mena, Oscar Isidro Jose Parrilli, and Carlos Alberto Zannini.

The bill requires the Department of State to submit an annual report to Congress containing (1) a description of each person's assets, including the net worth of immediate family members; and (2) a determination as to whether each person meets the criteria for the imposition of visa- and property-blocking sanctions related to corruption or human rights violations.

The President must impose such sanctions on any of these individuals whom the President determines meets the sanctions criteria.