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H.R. 597: Stop the Cartels Act

Warren Davidson

Quick Facts

Bill Sponsor: Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH-8)

Congress: 118th

Date Introduced: January 27, 2023

Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on the National Intelligence Enterprise. (February 27, 2023)

Bill Summary

Stop the Cartels Act

This bill addresses various issues including matters relating to immigration, law enforcement cooperation with Mexico, and drug cartels.

The bill bars federal financial assistance for state or local jurisdictions that (1) restrict compliance with immigration detainers issued by the Department of Homeland Security, or (2) have any law or policy that violates immigration laws.

Furthermore, under this bill, the detention of alien minors must be governed by specified sections of the Immigration and Nationality Act and not any judicial decree or settlement. (A 1997 settlement agreement imposes requirements related to the treatment of such minors, including limits on how long they may be detained under certain conditions.)

The bill also makes various changes to asylum applications, including by (1) increasing the burden that an asylum applicant must meet to establish a credible fear of persecution, and (2) establishing refugee application and processing centers in Central America.

In addition, certain Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development assistance may not be made available to Mexico's government until the State Department certifies that Mexico has removed certain barriers to law enforcement cooperation and intelligence sharing between the United States and Mexico.

The bill also establishes the foreign Special Transnational Criminal Organization designation and establishes penalties related to designated organizations, such as making it a crime to knowingly provide material support to such an organization. The State Department must designate specified organizations, including the Sinaloa Cartel, with the designation, and may designate other organizations that fit criteria established in this bill.