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H.R. 560: Northern Marianas Population Stabilization Act

Gregorio Sablan

Quick Facts

Bill Sponsor:

Congress: 118th

Date Introduced: January 26, 2023

Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs . (February 21, 2023)

Bill Summary

Northern Marianas Population Stabilization Act

This bill provides Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Resident status to certain otherwise qualifying non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) who do not meet a current requirement of having resided continuously and lawfully in the Northern Mariana Islands from November 28, 2009, through June 25, 2019.

Specifically, an individual shall be exempt from this residency requirement if the individual was admitted as a Commonwealth Only Transitional Worker during FY2015 and every subsequent fiscal year before July 24, 2018.

To qualify for CNMI Resident status, the individual must meet other existing requirements related to such status.

An individual who has resided in the Northern Mariana Islands as an investor and is currently residing as a Northern Mariana Islands-only nonimmigrant may receive CNMI Resident status upon meeting other requirements.