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H.R. 9473: Sanctuary City Accountability Act

Darrell Issa

Quick Facts

Bill Sponsor: Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA-48)

Congress: 118th

Date Introduced: September 6, 2024

Last Action: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. (September 6, 2024)

Bill Summary

Sanctuary City Accountability Act

This bill establishes a private right of action against sanctuary cities for victims and victim family members of illegal alien crime. If an alien commits a crime against an individual in a sanctuary city, the victim or victim's family would be able to sue the jurisdiction for injunctive or compensatory damages.

The bill defines a sanctuary jurisdiction as a State or unit of local government that has laws, ordinances, regulations, resolutions, policies, or other practices that obstruct immigration enforcement, including refusing to comply with detainers, placing unreasonable conditions on detainer compliance, denying ICE access to interview incarcerated aliens, or impeding communication between immigration officers and the jurisdiction's personnel.

Bill Cosponsors (0)

This bill has no cosponsors.