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H.R. 4694: Protect Patriot Parents Act

Salud Carbajal

Quick Facts

Bill Sponsor: Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-CA-24)

Congress: 118th

Date Introduced: July 18, 2023

Last Action: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. (July 18, 2023)

Bill Summary

Protect Patriot Parents Act

This bill makes certain non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) who are parents of a veteran eligible for lawful permanent resident status (also known as a green card).

To be eligible for a green card, an individual must be a parent of a U.S. citizen who serves or served in the Armed Forces. If the U.S. citizen has been discharged from the Armed Forces, such discharge must be under honorable conditions.

Certain factors that would otherwise make an individual inadmissible, such as having entered the United States without being admitted, shall not apply to a parent seeking a green card under this bill. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may also waive certain factors that would otherwise make an individual inadmissible, such as having misrepresented a material fact to secure a visa, if the individual does not pose a threat to the public and has not committed any crimes that are unrelated to immigration status.

An eligible individual who was previously removed from (or permitted to leave) the United States before this bill's enactment may apply for a green card under this bill from abroad. DHS and the Department of State must also establish a program where an eligible individual who has applied for a green card under this bill may be admitted into the United States as a nonimmigrant while the application is pending, if DHS and the State Department determine that the individual does not pose a threat to the public or national security.